BOSTON — In late April 2023, The Satanic Temple organized an event called Boston SatanCon 2023. This three-day event took place at the Marriott Copley Place Hotel in Boston. It was advertised as “the largest Satanic gathering in history” under the slogan “Hexennacht in Boston”.
SatanCon attracted many people who could enjoy the presentations prepared by TST members and invited guests. Guests also could enjoy evening entertainment and a special satanic market. Entry price to the market was only $5. All visitors had to be 18+, show covid vaccination proof, properly wear a mask.
Of course, the event has drawn opposition from some Christian groups such as Intercessors for America and the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston. Members of the first one expressed their concerns about the event. They stated that they feel called to pray for the souls of the participants. The second one also called for “intense prayer” to show their protest. They also advised Catholics to avoid associating with Satanists.

Despite this, SatanCon 2023 continued and was considered a success for The Satanic Temple. The organization continues its activities and promotes its ideas aimed at protecting freedom of conscience, freedom from violence, scientific education and personal autonomy. Plus, SatanCon continues to generate discussion and debate among various religious groups and the public at large.
About The Satanic Temple
The Satanic Temple organization causes a lot of discussion and criticism in various circles. Nevertheless it continues its activities and actively promote its principles.
The Satanic Temple (TST) is a non-profit organization that was founded in 2013 in the United States. TMT positions itself as an advocate for personal freedom and rational thought. The organization claims that it does not practice the devil and does not conduct religious ceremonies.

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Some of TST’s notable initiatives include the creation of public monuments of religious significance, such as the Baphomet Monument on state land in Oklahoma. They also assist with legal cases related to religious freedom.
The Satanic Temple organization causes a lot of discussion and criticism in various circles. Nevertheless it continues its activities and actively promote its principles.