The Monkey Times Editorial Board

The Monkey Times Editorial Board is a group of journalists who aim to reflect the most important news and issues both locally and globally. The Board is an independent group of experts that relies on personal opinion, knowledge and experience. The Board does not work on behalf of the news department and is not representative of the publication as a whole.

Our main job is to monitor the quality of the content and make sure it meets our high standards. We work to ensure that the materials are informative, accurate, honest and objective. Our goal is to come to a common and fair opinion on important issues.

The Board also plays an important role in determining the publication’s development strategy. We take part in planning the work of the editorial team, determine priorities and tasks for the future, control the quality of materials and provide recommendations for the development of the site. We also make sure that our content is relevant, interesting and able to attract readers from all over the world.

The Editorial Board understands that our work is not limited to the selection and evaluation of content. We strive to be active participants in public life by publishing articles, comments and reviews on news and events that take place in the world. We believe that it is our duty to provide readers with information about what is happening in the world and analyze it in terms of our principles and values.

The Board welcomes constructive feedback from our readers and are always available to answer questions and provide additional information. We believe that our work can make the world a better place, and our website is a place where people can find the information they really need.

Read the latest editorials from the board here.


The leading source of world news, entertainment, politics, economics, science, tech, sports and more. Read our opinions and interviews. We love to write about serious and entertaining topics in a satirical and hilarious way, although we do not always do this. Our mission is both to bring the news to the reader, and to make him think, rethink what is happening, or at least just have fun.

Top Authors

The editorial board comprises opinion journalists who draw on their expertise, research, debates, and longstanding values to form their views. It operates independently from the newsroom.

Sasha specializes in covering news related to the world of esotericism, horoscopes and beliefs. She has been recognized for her accurate in-depth coverage of various aspects of esoteric and spiritual culture.

A journalist covering political and economic news, born on May 5, 1978, in Washington, USA. She holds an economic education. She is known for her objective and accurate coverage of political events at the national and international levels.


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