Free the Nipple Needs a New Phase in the Fight for Gender Equality

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Street photo of a girl with transparent top
Street photo of a girl with transparent top | The Monkey Times

In recent years, we have witnessed the growth and spread of the “Free the Nipple” movement – the struggle for gender equality and the desexualization of the female breast. This movement seeks to draw attention to the inequality that exists in the field of breast exposure, and emphasizes the importance of equality and freedom from gender cliche. While many protests and debates around this topic have led to some changes in legislation, the question remains: what’s next? Summer 2023 is the right time for the Free the Nipple movement to take the next step in gender equality.

Stripping and Liberation

The concept of releasing the nipple has a deep symbolic meaning. This is not only a question of who can bare their breasts in public places. It’s also about the fight against double standards and norms for men, women and transgender people, which are dictated by sexual prejudice. The Free the Nipple protests aims to create equality by calling on all people to have the right to freedom of expression and self-determination regarding their bodies, including the right to expose nipples regardless of gender.

Next Steps

The removal of the ban on the exposure of the female breast is only the first step for the liberalization of society in this matter. Cultural traditions and social restrictions still remain. Notions of decency and forms of social acceptance may be far from allowing many women and transgender people to feel free and equal in this matter. Therefore, it is necessary to continue to fight and change social attitudes so that each person can decide on his own body, without fear of condemnation or discrimination.

Example to Follow

The movement has sour in recent years and needs a fresh breath of air and an example to follow in the further struggle for the liberation. Free the Nipple representatives, their followers, feminists and many other supporters of a liberal society can be important sources of inspiration and support for other women. By showing their courage and confidence in their choices, they can become voices of change and help change public consciousness.

Now is the perfect time to take the next step in the fight for gender equality. With the arrival of warm weather and the opportunity to take off their jackets and sweaters, women have the opportunity to overcome the boundaries and stereotypes associated with exposing their breasts. Stepping into the street without too many clothes and giving yourself the right to be visible and free is an act of courage that can inspire other women and provoke a public reaction.

Freedom Must Be Enjoyed

The progressive part of The Monkey Times calls on women to use the right they have defended in recent years and start going topless so that the conservative part of the population, as well as the conservative part of the editorial board of The Monkey Times, quickly begin to get used to the new standards of decency. Legislation in many countries and many states allows women to be topless on the streets. Now is the best time to take the next step in the fight for gender equality.

Otherwise, what was all this Free the Nipple protests for? Why attract so much attention, change the laws, and then not enjoy the freedom and rights to equality provided?

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