Club Hostess with Consummation, Explained

What is consummation in clubs and what are the types? What are the rules and types? Let's go in order.

9 mins read
A stunning blond young lady in the club
A stunning blond young lady who works at hostess with consummation in luxurious night clubs | The Monkey Times

Consummation is an outlandish business that parasitizes on the natural cravings of the stronger sex for drinking and for women’s society. For example, a strip club where girls only undress and dance is more likely unprofitable. The nightclub or casino that does not try to increase the percentage of return of users and their average check will not be profitable either.

At the same time, one must understand that in different parts of the world there are different attitudes towards consummation. If in Western Europe, Turkey or the USA everyone understands why a woman sits down with a guy and asking for a shot and this is the norm, then in Eastern Europe it is not yet obvious to everyone what caused the girl’s interest. And in Japan, there are special clubs that continue the traditions of geisha in a modern manner.

Imagine: evening, longing in your soul, all business and partner meetings are over. You want to move away from work, difficulties, and plunge into care, warmth, sympathy, experience. Yes, just to express everything that you never say to a friend, because in the men’s world, the manifestation of weakness is one of the most important vices. You walk into the club, you got a shot immediately, and a nice young lady sits next to you. She patiently listens to your revelations, gives the necessary remarks between shots. And from time to time she orders (at your expense) another drink or two, thereby helping to relax more and more and feel that kinship that was so lacking. And you have to pay for responsiveness.

Market relations means that if there is a demand, then there will be offers. And if the client has a demand for female attention, then there will be an offer with a consummation.

What Drives a Man

A man always wants a woman. However, he sometimes allows himself to be distracted from the all-devouring passion in order to make some money, go into politics, watch football. But “desire a woman” does not mean “to possess a woman.” Sometimes you just want to show her to your friends – to increase your status in their eyes. Sometimes you just want to look at her, sometimes just to listen.

Beautiful lady in the night club
A stunnning hostess with consummate qualification in the night club | The Monkey Times

And sometimes you just want to enjoy the company of a beautiful young lady and do something nice for her somewhere else. In this case, there are some rules.

Control of Leisure Time of the Hostess

Open system

In this case, the club is not interested in what the employee does in her free time. It’s not controlled, as long as she is not late for work.

Closed system

The club controls the time and movements of their hostesses. They does not need their employee to meet with clients. They are responsible for the safety of the employees and for ensuring that their hostesses looks fresh, with makeup and rested before starting work.

What Drives Young Women To Work Hostess with Consummation

Easy money. The income of a person who works with consummation directly depends on the amount of paid alcohol or on the time spent with the client in conversations. Earnings are negotiated in advance, if it is a percentage, then usually from 10% to 15%. Financial compensation can be in different ways. For example, 3 euro from one glass of champagne, 45 euro from bottle 250 euro, 215 euro from bottle 1200 euro and the like. There is a salary option with a small rate and percentage.

There is always a specificity of work in different places and countries, both in the form of wages and in the rules of the institution. One thing remains unchanged: if a client likes a girl, if it is easy and interesting with her, in her presence a man can relax and be himself, then he will return again. As a rule, the client is satisfied: the hostess is a master. She knows that clients come and go, but work stays. At the same time, the customer’s illusion that this is your woman is almost full.

On average, in countries where consummation is developed, such an illusion can last from 10 minutes to 2 hours. On average, the consummation lasts from 15 – 20 minutes.

Consummation as a Work Commitment for the Hostess

The concepts of consumption and hostess are sometimes confused. Both words have multiple meanings. But as far as the service industry is concerned, the word hostess has a broader meaning.

In the traditional sense, hostess is a person who greets guests at the entrance to a restaurant, hotel, exhibition, conference or other event and helps them get comfortable in a new place.

But consummation is, in essence, the duty of hostesses to communicate with the client. The result of communication should be either ordering a drink for the girl, or the amount of time spent in her company.

In other words, a hostess without consummation is a service staff like a waitress or cleaning lady.

The Japan went further and came up with whole nightclubs, which are called: Hostess clubs and Host clubs. At its core, the hostess in such establishments is best compared with modern geishas who entertain salarymen. And if in the hostess club women entertain men, then in host clubs, on the contrary, women pay men for entertainment.

Consummation As a Process

If you walked in and have exposed a bundle of money, the manager will be immediately informed about this. A strategic takeover of the contents of the wallet will be immediately planned. Moreover, all tactical moves were already initially spelled out in the field club charter: light reconnaissance, shelling, bayonet attack along the entire front, finishing off the wounded (do not take prisoners!), removal of corpses from the field. At the same time, the strategy for capturing your wallet can be predetermined by the rules of the club. What does it mean? Consummation can be active or passive. Plus, the difference is enormous. They may be inclined towards one of the options, but often use both.

Passive Consumption

With passive consumption, the girl is chosen. She just hangs out inside, for example on the dance floor. “Someone from the staff comes up to you,” says Anna, ex-hostess with consummation, “in each country they are called in a different way, and they invite you to sit at the table with the guest. And at first sight it looks excellent, but there are pitfalls. If you quarrel with a garcon who directly communicate with guests, then he will completely dissuade the guest from you, even if a client really interested in you. But if you are on good terms with garcon, then he will always help you with work”.

Active Consumption

“Personally, I don’t really like the active option of consumption”, Anna says, “but here everyone has their own preferences, I know those who are exclusively for the active option. With active consumption, when a guest comes in, whoever is free and quicker is the first to come up and sit down, asking for a drink. If the guest refuses, the girl gets up and another one sits next to him. He may not want anyone at all, but everyone who is free should come up, because this is the order. Here the moment is purely humiliating, as it seems to me, when during the night you are numerous times denied. Not because you are bad, but because he has already wanted someone else to sit next to him. Although you can probably get used to active consumption too.”

Laptop on the bed


Effective Wardrobe Detox

Drinks: It’s usually forbidden for hostesses to drink alcohol, so they often pour soft drinks under the guise of alcoholic. And sometimes it’s not necessary for a man to talk about this trick. Firstly, to drink with everyone is bad for health, and secondly, the employee is still at work and receives a certain percentage either from the time or from the ordered drinks, sometimes from both, which, in principle, is ideal.

Club Rule Is Hospitality

Usual visitors are men who come after work and want to spend the evening in communication with the woman – taking care of her and talking about something pleasant. Many clubs are open until the morning, and their number is comparable to the number of stalls in the market. A person comes, sits down, chooses a girl and invites to a table, or she suggests herself to keep company. The conversation is conducted mainly in the form of a monologue and winds around the work of the guest, his family, home and life problems. The first order will not be expensive, so as not to arouse suspicion. The check will increase gradually. There are always secrets and tricks here.

Girl Should Not Remain Indifferent

It is prohibited just to assent and nodding a head. It is necessary to show interest, smile, ask some questions. All this, as you can easily see, is reminiscent of something like psycho-correction, when one person speaks out, and the other acts as an analyst. “Tip sizes vary widely,” said a nightclub worker who asked not to be named. “There is no guaranteed income here. You can sit at the client’s table all evening, and when leaving, he will simply say “bye”, without leaving a dime to tip. He has a right to do so.

A handsome 30-year-old man in the night club
A handsome man in the night club | The Monkey Times

But, as a rule, sitting down at a table, I already feel how the visitor is set, how happy he is with my company and how much he intends to leave at the club and put in my pocket. And what should he say to increase this amount. There are several ways to the heart and wallet of a man who comes to relax in a nightclub. The most difficult of them is to sincerely communicate on a topic of concern to the interlocutor, listen with interest to his story about life, laugh at his jokes…

If she is sociable and natural, the client sees, appreciates and pays for it. But many girls prefer instead to tell the client stories that he is ready to listen to,” the girl clarifies. “In this job, you quickly become a good psychologist and you can clearly see who to feed which tale to. One needs a heartbreaking story.

For example:

story number 1:

“I am an orphan. Until the age of sixteen I lived in a shelter, now I rent a corner from distant relatives. My uncle likes to drink and beats me when drunk. So I usually sleep right here in the dressing room. I would have quit here long ago if it wasn’t for my sick niece…”

Nonsense, right? But many people are just pleased to feel sorry for a beautiful girl, and when they get emotional, they leave a good tip. Others, on the contrary, like girls who are strong and purposeful. For those of you, there is

story number 2:

“Here in a nightclub, I just earn start-up capital. I already have a business plan ready, I’m going to open a hairdressing salon … But it takes a lot of money, that’s why I had to go dancing. Dancing has always been my hobby, but now it has become a means of fulfilling my dreams…”

People are hanging out in the night club
The main point is to make you spend as much as you can while you are hanging out in the club | The Monkey Times

Also funny? But it does work! Why not help a nice person with such… uh… eyes in the implementation of her business plans. In general, a good professional has her own variety of ear noodles for everyone.”

Conflict Situations

In case of conflict, the impresario can be the only support. But there are cases when no impresario will help. This is a violation of internal discipline (make-up, hairstyle, clothes, delay in consumption, mood …). This can be avoided by adhering to the internal rules of the place. It is not difficult. It’s just that some bad habits should be left at home and maintain friendly relations with others.

Not Consummation

Imagine: late at night, you have already left the club where you were for the first time and are driving in your cabriolet through the city at night. It is a warm summer outside, the wind ruffles your hair, and a beautiful curvy blond sits next to you, smiles and looks so sweet.

There is a certain type of persons, they are “regulars” in the house, but they are not bound by obligations. By agreement with the administration, they easily swindle customers for a cocktail, sitting down at a table and telling that you struck her, you are so interesting or just ask to treat the lady with a cigarette. If it was proposed to move to a more secluded place in order to continue the conversation, this is no longer a consummation. This is an opportunity to earn money by providing a different type of service. And if you want to continue communication with the lady outside somewhere else, take her away from the club. No one is gonna untwist you for a drink in the club no more.

Natasha Evans

Natasha is a lifestyle and art journalist. She started to write for The Monkey Times in May, 2023. She has great experience in the worlds of fashion, design, and culture.

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