Taiwan – U.S. Trade Ties Agreement to Be Signed Soon, China Grinds Its Teeth

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Taiwan city bird view
The stakes are rising in the confrontation between the U.S. and China for influence in Taiwan | The Monkey Times

TAIPEI — In recent years, relations between Taiwan and U.S. have strengthened significantly, causing increasing irritation and dissatisfaction with China, which is committed to the principle of the One China. This development reflects the geopolitical complexity of the region and the global struggle for influence.

Taiwan and US relations continue to develop, the countries are ready to sign an initial agreement to strengthen trade ties in the very near future. While the agreement does not align with a full-fledged free trade pact, the move is significant and speaks to the growing relationship between the two governments.

Such an initiative could help U.S. companies ship more goods to the peninsula, reduce regulatory issues, plus generally have a positive impact on logistics.

As we all know, the relationship between Taiwan and US is multifaceted and complex. In recent years, the following 4 key factors can be noted:

  1. Military cooperation and arms sales. The United States is actively supplying military equipment and weapons to Taiwan, which helps the latter to strengthen its defences and improve security. For example, on March 1, the American side approved the sale of arms to Taiwan for $619 million, including ammunition for F-16 aircraft. These actions provoke a sharp reaction from China.
  2. Support in international organizations. Despite pressure from China, the United States is in favour of Taiwan’s participation in international organizations and forums. These moves reinforce Taiwan’s status on the world stage and again anger China, which seeks to isolate the island from the international community.
  3. Economic ties and trade. The U.S. is one of Taiwan’s largest trading partners. US investment in the Taiwanese economy plays a significant role. With the signing of an agreement on strengthening trade ties between countries, international economic cooperation should intensify.
  4. Political support and diplomatic relations. Despite Chinese pressure, some countries continue to maintain official relations with Taiwan and recognize it as a sovereign state. Such support from the U.S. and other countries irritates and displeases China.


The U.S. and Taiwan relations is largely due to military cooperation, support in international organizations, economic ties and political support. However, such actions will certainly affect trade and political relations with China. And if you ask “Why are the US and China fighting over Taiwan?”, the answer is the struggle for influence in the region, it’s obvious. But if you ask “Will US and China go to war over Taiwan?”, then looks like Ukraine is the good example to answer.

Chelsea Fisher

A journalist covering political and economic news, born on May 5, 1978, in Washington, USA. She holds an economic education. She is known for her objective and accurate coverage of political events at the national and international levels.

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