Canadian Migrants and Public Toilets

A group of experts led by well-known economic analyst Andrew Edwards spoke about migration policy in an unacceptable tone and ran into a wave of criticism.

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Canada Place is a boat-shaped building located on the waterfront of Burrard Inlet in the city of Vancouver.
Vancouver Convention Center | Photo by Pascal Bernardon on Unsplash

VANCOUVER — There has recently been a scandal in Canada over statements by a group of experts led by well-known economic analyst Andrew Edwards about migrants in the country. Experts said that “migrants are the best thing that has happened to Canadian public toilets”. Such statements caused a lot of indignation among the public, some officials of the Canadian government are already involved in the scandal.

Andrew Edwards offers a look at the statistics on migrant employment in Canada, leading to the fact that “these are not just statements based on prejudices and stereotypes, but real data”. Migrants in Canada, as in most countries of the world, are indeed often engaged in low-skilled work, especially in the service sector, such as working in kitchens, in nursing homes, working as nannies, etc. This work is done for little money, but nevertheless, it is an important and necessary work that provides for the economy and society. However, as Andrew Edwards continued, “Migrants should be entitled to the same social services as Canadian citizens, including health care, education and housing. If this is not the case, then this is the way for migrants to become independent from the state, which may create problems in the future.”

Role of Migrants in Canada

Migrants do play an important role in Canada’s economy, taking part in a variety of activities. Canada has one of the highest migration rates in the world. Migrants represent 21.9% of the country’s population and constitute a significant part of the labor force. Many of them come to Canada to improve their economic conditions, access better education and health care.

However, at the same time, migrants face many challenges such as discrimination, injustice and limited access to education and healthcare. Some of them are in a situation of irregular status, which makes them vulnerable and gives them fewer rights and opportunities.

Man cleans floor at an entrance door
Man cleans floor at an entrance door | Photo by Gil Ribeiro on Unsplash

Migration policy in Canada has a long history, and migrants make a significant contribution to the country’s economy. In addition, it is important to note that in some cases, the introduction of them may create the need for additional investment by the government to provide social protection for migrants, which may lead to increased taxes and other costs.

The Truth that the Canadian Government Got a Little Dirty About

Of course, statements by a group of experts, including prominent economic analyst Andrew Edwards, that migrants are the best thing that has happened to our public toilets can be seen as inappropriate and offensive. However, it is worth recognizing that Canada’s migration policy is not perfect. But migrants often abuse their status and violate laws, which negatively affects society and creates confusion in public opinion. In disadvantaged areas of megacities, populated mainly by migrants, the police come less and less, enclaves of migrants are formed who live by their own laws. The problem in Canada is becoming more tangible.

In conclusion: expert opinion can be perceived ambiguously. On the one hand, everything is true and low-paid work is mainly done by migrants, on the other hand, to speak in such an impartial tone is to forget about respect for the people and cultures that contribute to the diversity and prosperity of Canada. They are not only service workers, but also people with their own dreams, goals and talents that make Canada more colorful and rich.

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